Success Stories

There’s more to fitness than the perfect body; It’s about health, It’s about self-love, It’s about getting your life together.
Success Stories
“ I was 30 pounds overweight, feeling insecure with low self esteem, lazy, unmotivated, and unhappy. During this program, I have learned how to love my body, and what makes my body feel good: like getting enough sleep, making good food choices, changing my surroundings, and getting in any movement that I can. Now I am so close to my new healthy weight! I am feeling more confident, energetic, determined, focused, lighter in heart and mind, and proud of all of my accomplishments. “
“ I was stressed, overwhelmed and managed my work, and life anxiety with food. I have regained control over what goes into my body. Fuel, not garbage. I’m halfway to my healthy weight and 55 pounds down in 3 1/4 months. I’m working on building the version of me that can be healthy, happy and manage stress with healthier habits, while nurturing my mind/soul in the process. “
“ I was 20 pounds overweight with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a slow metabolism, experiencing brain fog, low energy, bloating and puffiness, the inability to lose weight and had recently left a toxic workplace.
I learned how to properly fuel my body, the importance of hydrating enough, ways to improve my mindset and optimize my surroundings, and establish healthy habits to improve my overall health and well-being. I lost 18 pounds, incorporated more movement, gained energy, felt more positive and confident, cleared my mind and improved my focus! ”
“ I was 27, over 230 pounds, horribly unhealthy and out of shape. Then I found Stephanie… Her program has given me the tools to get my state of mind right, and the ability to conquer obstacles I never thought were possible. I’m now 185 pounds and have trimmed up immensely! I have learned lifelong healthy habits and I will continue to use everything I learned, in my journey going forward. “
“ After so many go arounds of losing weight only to put it back on; I was 44, tired and grumpy, looking ahead to a summer with no clothes that fit! Stephanie’s program has taught me how to enjoy exercise; how to embrace healthy eating habits; and how to achieve a mindset that allows me to make good choices.
I am now 30 pounds lighter; fit as I have ever been, feeling great and confident with a healthy lifestyle that I know I can stay with and manage. “
There’s more to fitness than the perfect body; It’s about health, It’s about self-love, It’s about getting your life together.